Common Urinary Problems Experienced By The Elders

Common Urinary Problems Experienced By The Elders

Ageing affects most of the system of our body while hampering its normal functioning. The urinary system is one such system that undergoes major changes that can reduce the life quality of a person. It can be quite embarrassing for elderly people who are experiencing urinary issues while hampering their emotional and social well-being. If you experience any problems with urination then without any hesitation you must contact Star Hospital urology specialist for all your urological problems

As we age, all the muscles of our body start to weaken and this also happens in the bladder. Herein, if the bladder muscles weaken then the bladder capacity also decreases which leads to the development of urinary problems. It is crucial to report such issues immediately so that early diagnosis and effective management can be adopted at the right time. 

Below Are Some Of The Common Urinary Issues In the Elderly 

1. Urinary Tract Infections 
The urinary tract is one of the most important parts of the urinary system which includes the ureters, bladder, kidneys, and urethra. If any bacteria enters your urinary tract through the urethra then it can lead to urinary tract infections. Without proper treatment, this condition can spread to the bladder and kidneys leading to several distressing symptoms. As compared to men, elderly women are more likely to develop this urinary problem. 

It can be quite difficult to notice any significant signs of urinary tract infection in older adults. In most cases, they don’t showcase any symptoms due to slower immune response. However, some of the most common signs include: 
  • Fever 
  • Chills 
  • Burning sensation while urinating 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Abnormal odour from the urine 
  • Pelvic pain 
After diagnosing a urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe you antibiotics to treat the condition. To flush out the remaining bacteria, you will also be advised to drink plenty of water. 

2. Urinary Incontinence 
Another common urinary condition affecting elderly adults is urinary incontinence. This can be an embarrassing issue where you may leak urine occasionally due to loss of bladder control. People mainly experience this problem when they have a sudden urge to urinate or when they sneeze. You must know that there are various types of urinary incontinence such as overflow, urge, stress, mixed, and functional incontinence. 

You must visit the best urologist hospital in Siliguri if you experience any early signs of urinary incontinence. 
  • Sudden urge to urinary 
  • Urine leakage 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Urinating while sleeping 
  • Waking up to urinate while sleeping 
The doctor can prescribe various medications to treat the condition. Apart from medicines, there are various interventional therapies, electrical stimulation, and behavioural techniques to manage the symptoms of urinary incontinence. You may also try pelvic floor muscle exercises to control urination. 

3. Prostate Problems 
The development of prostate issues among elderly men can also increase the chances of urinary problems. Some of the most common types of prostate problems are prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia. Both of these conditions can obstruct the normal flow of urine while stopping urination. Additionally, these conditions can also interfere with the functioning of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. 

The symptoms of prostate problems in men may vary based on the condition. In most cases, there are no noticeable signs in the early stages but as the disorder starts progressing, the symptoms also start developing. 
  • Increased urge to urinate at night 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Dribbling after urination 
  • Weak urine stream 
  • Blood in urine 
  • Weight loss 
For an enlarged prostate, the doctor may recommend surgery or prescribe medications. However, surgical removal of the prostate, hormone, radiation, chemo, or targeted drug therapy are some of the available treatment options for prostate cancer.

4. Bladder Stones 
Bladder stones are another significant problem that can cause urinary issues. These stones are basically hard mineral masses that develop in the bladder when you have trouble emptying the bladder completely. Some of the other underlying causes leading to this condition are inflammation, prostate gland enlargement, damaged nerves, and kidney stones. If this condition is not treated properly then it can cause recurrent urinary tract infections and chronic bladder issues with long-term urine problems. 

Both small and large bladder stones cause no major signs or problems. You may only experience distressing symptoms when the stone blocks urine flow or hampers the bladder wall. 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Lower abdominal pain 
  • The unusual colour of the urine 
  • Interrupted urine flow 
  • Pain while urinating 
  • Blood in urine 
After diagnosing your condition with a CT scan, urine test, and ultrasound, the doctor will recommend the best treatment option. Breaking the stones into small pieces through laser and surgical removal of the stones are the most effective treatments for bladder stones. 

5. Overactive Bladder 
Overactive bladder mainly affects elderly women which causes the random urge to urinate. You may experience the urge to urinate multiple times during the day as well as night where it will also be hard for you to control the urination. In most cases, any involuntary bladder contractions due to hormonal issues, menopause, diabetes, and bladder stones can cause this issue. Without proper treatment, overactive bladder can also lead to some serious complications such as sleeping disturbances, anxiety, and emotional distress. 

Some of the common symptoms that you may experience if you suffer from overactive bladder are: 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Waking up several times at night 
  • Losing urine 
  • Sudden urge to urinate 
If menopause is causing the overactive bladder, then the leading urologist in Siliguri will recommend vaginal estrogen therapy to control the symptoms. Apart from this, there are also various medications that can relax the bladder and treat the condition. Additionally, bladder injections, nerve stimulation, behavioural techniques, and surgery are other advanced interventions for overactive bladder. 

Healthy Tips To Prevent Urinary Problems 

  • While you’re entering the bathroom to urinate after 3-4 hours, take your time to empty your bladder fully. This measure will help prevent infections by stopping the formation of bacteria in the bladder. 
  • You should never hold urine for too long. As you get older, holding urine for long hours can weaken the bladder muscles more. To maintain a healthy bladder, you must practice urinating every 3-4 hours.
  • The excessive abdominal weight can make it difficult to hold urine due to the increased bladder pressure. This is why obese adults are more prone to urinary problems. You must eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight to prevent this. 
  • Practice kegel or pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the bladder muscles. This will help in sustaining proper bladder functioning by holding urine and emptying the bladder at the right time.
  • You must drink a sufficient amount of water to reduce the likelihood of urinary problems. Drinking around 8 glasses of water every day helps flush out toxins from the day while ensuring bladder health. Any urinary problems caused due to dehydration can also be prevented with this step. 
  • Significant damage in the cell lining of the bladder is caused by smoking. This damage can hamper bladder function and lead to urine problems. This is why you must avoid smoking to reduce the chances of urinary issues.

To get professional medical assistance for urinary problems, it is important to book an appointment with the best urologist in Siliguri. The doctor may recommend various diagnostic tests to curate an individualized treatment plan for you based on your symptoms and underlying health conditions. Some such tests include ultrasound, urinalysis, blood tests, and urodynamic testing. 

Dr. S K Jha
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Clinical expertise and insights for this article were provided by Dr. S K Jha, MS, DNB a renowned Urologist, Andrology and Uro Oncology. Delve deeper into their professional profile here for more comprehensive information.

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