Internal Medicine is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosing and treating ailments of the internal organs like lungs, heart, kidneys and urinary tract. At Star hospital Siliguri, our department of Internal Medicine is dedicated towards providing high quality care for the above given problems. Our doctors use personalised, research-based treatments to ensure that each patient receive optimal and best treatment possible.
Internal Medicine

Our specialists are well experienced to handle any kind of situation ranging from common ailments to complex cardio vascular problems. The diagnosis part is the best where we use state of the art equipment and stay updated with the latest technology in treating the patients. This way we are able to provide optimal care for each and every patient who walk into our doors.

The main focus of our Internal Medicine Department is to undergo a proper diagnosis based on the latest tools and equipment and with thorough discussions and consultations we come to a consensus for the treatment possibilities. We devise personalised treatment plans comprehensively designed based on the need of the patient. Our main goal is to provide quality treatment for the ease of the patient.

Preventive care is one of the basic and most fundamental approach we use here because if we prevent the disease altogether then there will be awareness in the patient and to do this we advise our dear patients to live a healthy lifestyle including physical exercises, balanced diet, staying hydrated and stress free. We also conduct routine checkups to detect potential ailments early on and allowing us for timely intervention and treatment.

At Star Hospital Siliguri, we treat a wide range of conditions. Our Internal Medicine specialists are experienced in managing major and chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension and kidney ailments. We also expertise in respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders, and urinary tract infections. No matter the kind of infection we here ready for it 24x7.

Management of chronic disorders are a difficult task but our expert team of doctors make it seem so easy by their support and monitoring where they make adjustments based on the diseases and patient. They also involve in giving knowledge about the problems so as to make the patient comfortable with the treatment procedure and future outcomes and care to be taken. This in turn empowers the doctor patient relationship which hereby strengthens the hospital image.

In addition to the normal routine and preventive care provided by the Internal medicine department of the hospital we also expertise in medical emergencies 24x7. Our team is ready and well equipped to handle any kind of situation, ensuring that the patient receive immediate care and help.

On summarizing, the Internal Medicine Department at Star Hospital Siliguri offers a wide range of care for many health conditions related to internal organ. With our prime focus on precise diagnosis, treatment plans and preventive care, we support our patients in achieving their best health. Our dedicated team of experts are committed to providing high quality care to each and every patient we serve. Put your trust on Star Hospital Siliguri for the best possible health care.

Key Treatments

  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Infectious Disease
  • Kidney Related Diseases
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Pulmonary Medicine
  • Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Gastro-Intestinal Diseases

Internal Medicine Doctors

Dr. Arijit Saha

Dr. Arijit Saha

MD Internal Medicine

Dr. Debanjan Roy

Dr. Debanjan Roy

MD Internal Medicine

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Frequently Asked Questions on Internal Medicine

What is the role of an internal medicine doctor?

The internal medicine doctor provides treatments related to various diseases that include affecting the internal organs such as heart, kidney, blood, digestive system and immune system.

Some of the common tests that doctors might ask for are blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, CT scans, and other tests related to internal organs. 

The doctor after the evaluation plans a personalised treatment that includes the use of medications and regular monitoring based on your chronic conditions.

You should consult with an internal medicine doctor if you have been facing health issues such as breathing difficulties, inflammation in the body, hypertension, digestive problems, fatigue and others.

Blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, asthma, and bladder issues are some of the common types of medical conditions that are treated by an internist.

Following a healthy diet, regular exercise, getting adequate sleep and reducing stress levels can help to maintain a healthy life with minimal health issues.

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